Please go through this agreement carefully before using the TreeHouse website. By using the site, you signify your agreement to the terms in this statement. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our website or services.
All the information on this site is provided by the TreeHouse. All these information and services on the website are solely intended as a general educational guide. They are in no way a replacement for a proper school education. The information and services on the site are provided with the understanding that neither the staff or owner of TreeHousenor its users are in any way a replacement for a proper school education. The decision on whether or not the information is appropriate for your children/classroom is the user’s sole responsibility.
TreeHouse assumes no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to information/ ideas you use based on the information, services or other material on this site. We work hard to keep the information on this site accurate, complete, and up-to-date, but we give no guarantees, and we won’t be held responsible for any damage or loss related to, the accuracy, or completeness of the information provided on this site. By using this site, its informationor services, you agree to defend and hold harmless to TreeHouse, its affiliates, owner, staff, and users from any liability, loss, claim and expense related your violation of this agreement.
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shallbe liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site.
The material in this site is provided without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. TreeHouse does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the material in this site, but not limited to their age appropriateness, possible ingredient allergy, correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. You assume the entire cost of all necessary expenses including medical, servicing, repair or correction.
Copyright Issues
TreeHouse is a reference page, and it is free to all. All the ideas on this page were either submitted or are the reflections of ideas that the owner/staff have been using for years in their classroom. It is not our intent to steal any ideas or infringe any copyright. If you feel that any of the ideas posted on here are your original ideas or are copyrighted, please feel free to inform us via email and we will look after the issue immediately. However, we cannot guarantee that all the content and material appearing on this websiteare not infringing on any copyrights. If you find anything of that sort, it might have been published without our knowledge about its origin.
The entire website is Copyrighted and the design (layout), graphics and content (Wording) is owned by TreeHouse and its owner. It is not permissible to publish any of its content anywhere without written permission. All material may be accessed, downloaded or printed for your personal or classroom use only and not for any commercial purpose. If you need this information for any other purpose, you need to send us an email seeking permission and mentioning the purpose of use.Depending on the validity of the issue, we will decide on granting the permission to use our content.
This copyrighted material includes but not limited to, all writing by staff, and some of the artwork and logos. Materials may not be reproduced on another website, book, or publication, etc.without any written permission of the TreeHouse Owner.
By using treehousehighschool.com, you will fully comply with these Terms and conditions of use. The TreeHouse may make improvements or changes in the information, services, and other materials on this site. TreeHouse may terminate this site, at any time without any prior notice. We may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified agreement to the TreeHouse Website.